Today was a rough day. At around 3 o'clock this afternoon the Ivey's dog, Carolina, got run over. Mary Alice and Mary Beth are both taking it pretty hard. Mary Beth actually saw it happen. I have to admitt that I am having a hard time, too. I didn't realize how attached to her I had become. I'm really going to miss her.
Everytime I think I've got a hold of myself, I see Mary Alice or hear Mary Alice and tears begin all over again. Carolina and Mary Alice were always together. It's like half of her is not here anymore.
Mary Alice walked in earlier and I asked her how she was doing. She told me how she has been in her room writing in her journal about all the fun things she and Carolina did together so she won't forget them.
It's going to be a difficult few days...pray for us. I know she was only a dog, but now there is an empty place in the family. It's weird not hearing her collar jingling or her bark everytime the doorbell rings. Dinnertime will be very strange without her whining, yipping, looking at us with those sad, puppy eyes, and begging for a bite.
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