Friday, June 1, 2007

El Camino

Yesterday I went to the colegio, "El Camino," where Mary Alice teaches and Joshua and Mary Beth go to school. Mary Alice teaches English to a kindergarten, first, and fifth grade class. (She also teaches second and third grades on other days.) They were all small classes (much different than I expected). The kindergarten had three students, first grade had three, and fifth grade only had one (there are usually two, but one was absent). The kids, especially the younger ones are so precious! They pick up English extremely fast and will repeat whatever you say. In the kindergarten Mary Alice was reviewing greetings, when she got to "Good night" they all repeated it, but instead of ending with a "t" they ended it with a "ch" sound. Mary Alice said it is because one of the girls started saying it like that and now they all do it. She has tried, but can't get them to pronounce it right anymore! I will probably have the opportunity to teach ESL with Mary Alice. The director welcomed me and told me I can teach anytime I wish. I think it's going to be a lot of fun!

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